The more I wonder through the freedom of schedule-flex the more time I have to wonder and thing. I wonder if I would think of the same things I do know if I was sitting in an office with slacks and a shirt with six-seven buttons. These things that I think, they are trival and mundane, non consequential and timely, but always prevalent it seems. I recognize the patterns as they happen, which is something new, and I believe comes with age. Whether it's listening to Jenny Lewis non-stop for days upon end, or falling asleep to the same forward thoughts of future and fond memories of the past, I have grown to enjoy my own patterns, and at least until this moment...have done so while weilding off the powerful attack of the mid-winter cold.
I've been fighting the sniffles for days now, ignoring the signs of fatigue brought on by bike riding in tempuraturs bellow that of ten, eating nothing but burritos and falafel....though I refuse to believe that the diet of kings has anything to do with my current physical disposition, as I believe it has everything to do with my emotional demeanor. Though at the conclusion of this little writing exerices I will partaking in what I hear, are some damn fine hamburgers at the Miracle of Science Pub. Local MIT hangout I hear, I'm looking to infultrate on behalf of the low brow working class. Welll...not to sure if I am low brow, or can be considered part of the working class? Huh...what young adult plight do I assosiate with? Definitly not young professional...and I'm not currently in school. It seems I lack a peer group at which to identify, not uncommon, in fact, I'd say its down right per usual.
Any stage of life you have yet to live through can only been seen as compartmentalized for convenience. With only so many outcomes, the future appears less scary. But as you get into a stage of life, the variences and x-factors present themselves, and it becomes obvious that no one, and I truly believe no one, does it the same as another. Nothing is as it seems until its over and you can look at it again, and then you realize it is, only what you remember it to be. It's an introspective time here on Watson Street.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Hulk is Always Greener on the Other Side...

Welcome back New Year readers! While you've enjoyed a semester break, I packed my winter solstice into one fantastic week at home. Chicago brought a first-night Snowsera gig (my best buddies band, who is shamelessly promoted at the bottom of this blog) at Schubas downtown, lots of family focused around Christmas cookies, specifically the little balls with nuts and frosting, and the Blokus board. If you've yet to challenge your loved ones to a game of Blokus, run, don't walk to your nearest board game retailer and pick up this game de force.
Objective: silently make alliances while destroying those who lack telepathic bargaining skills.
A fan favorite in the Allison house hold at the holidays.
I thought I was going to truly miss the "semester break," but whether it be in the Gap stock room or at the Noodles and Co. counter (I realize that you may have never heard of this haven for noodle lovers, but if you ever venture out to the Midwest or beyond, look 'em up, your pallet will be elated) I was always working during these breaks. So slinging ice cream, countin comics and selling clothes were far from a stretch for this workaholic.
Workaholic, a label that I've been pinned with for most of my late teen, and all of my early twenties life. Have I been fortunate enough to enjoy my place of employment, the people I work for and with, and on the whole, the customers who frequent my places of business, absolutely. Do I love my weekends that fall on Monday and Tuesday...without question. So why have I always picked up shifts, stayed late, and had no problem coming in early?
I like productivity, I like contributing to something other than myself, for in turn I feel better about the time I do take for myself. Which is an interesting way to look at it - for all things that I find worthy of my time, is time taken for myself.
Wanting what we do not have is somewhat of a tradition in the human condition. And how we go about it is what differentiates us from on

So what it is that I take from my comic readings?
The story isn't told in one issue, or in one arch...a story never truly has an end, merely a lead in to the next adventure. It ain't over until life is so uninteresting that you stop stop picking up your own book every week. Hell, when I stop enjoying life to the point that I can't find even an ounce of worth while experience in the simplest of tasks, the important will never be appreciated, and that is a life not worth living. Cheers --d
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