This was the first full week of classes, and by full, I mean 5 straight days of the Univeristy actually being open. I've dove deeper into the philos
ophy of War and Truce, reading up on Kant's article "Perpecual Peace" and have emerced myself in the language of Truth Functional Logic. I've begin editing the draft of my thesis from last year, and am focusing on some more technical phenomenological research. A deadline was set as well, my thesis is due the first week of April, and the defense is scheduled for the end of that month. So with about 8 weeks to go, if I appear a bit frazzled for the rest of the winter, you'll all know why!

My pop-culture vices are being fulfilled to the max this week...First, yesterday marked Alex Ross's return to Marvel Comics! Captain American #34 came out yesterday, and not only did Ross draw a varient cover (shown here) but the new Cap was introduced. I don't want to give too much away, but your favorite WWII sidekick may be dawning the red, white and blue...
And tonight, as if you didn't know...is the triumphant return of LOST! With only 8 episodes written so far, we'll see how long season 4 will last, but regradless, I can't wait to see what's going on with our favorite castaways, others and frensh jungle woman!

With a friends birthday (dejavu from last weekend I know) this should be a great end to the week. At least before I continue my research and start sending out cover letters to possibly my future employers! Cheers -- enjoy life...
Current Song -- Sun, Sun, Sun -- The Elected