Second semester senior year could not provide a better schedule, and with only two classes, both on Mon and Wed afternoons, my days are wide open for riding bikes and playing frisbee...come sping anyway. But in the meantime, it'll be snowy walks and bar room banters to pass the non-working hours away. As far as academics goes, I'll be enjoying Philosophy of War and Truce and Advanced formal logic. Phil War should be truly interesting...the class consists of me (interested in logic and aesthetics, which is a paradime in and of itself), the professor and about a dozen poly-phil interested peers. The class focuses on the (possible) false dicotamy of War and Peace. The idea is that there is an existant middleground between these two extremes, and that the societal norm of dicotamies is plain wrong. I wonder if dicotamies are inherint within ourselves, and thus are manifested socially and politically? I'll keep you posted as this all developes.
Advanced Formal Logic is an extention of the Formal Logic course, and focuses on the notion of Truth, and how logical reasoning will eventually lead us to an understanding of that Truth. We will spend our time learning the tools of the logic trade, and completing problem sets. It's a blend of arithamtic and philosophy, and is a concept that is more applicable to my daily life than anything else I've learned in any other class. I'm not delusional enough to think that I'm a logician by any stretch of the means, but the amount of logical falicies out there would astonish you. Eventually we will transend logic and discuss the theory of logic in terms of metamathmatics.

The two seem to compliment each other well, but more than anything, it just feels great to be in the classroom. You can't beat it when your "job" is to learn, which is cleche enough, but something I will definatly miss come May.
This afternoon I will be enjoying Juno for the second time! Parker Posey watch out (though Broken English may have stolen my heart, turned it inside out, gave it back in broken-puzzle form, and taught me to speak French) I think we may have a new queen of Indi-ville USA. Elen Page brings sarcasim to a whole new level. With refrences to the likes of The Thundercats, slight chuckles were pleantiful the first time around, and will hopefully lead to an appreciaton of the follow-up jokes that I missed while laughing at the leading jokes durring the first screening. (Reference Superbad for a similar experience.)

This is one of the best times of the semester. Most people are yet to be jaded and spring is somewhere in sight. Enjoy life.
Current Song -- All Right Now -- Free
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