Twice in one week, we're coming out of that blogging ebb and entering an era of co

nstant updates! Life is still good, still rollin along. Everyone around me seems to be counting down to something. My buddy is counting the days till graduation, a friend back home waits for spring break, and a girl a work anxiously twiddles her fingers at the prospect of the up coming weekend. Me...I'm not counting at all, but instead trying to enjoy this minute, leading into the next minute, and will hopefully ride that wave for as long as humanly possible. Until I learn to surf (which is goal #2 in my life after developing a solid sense of self, philosophy major remember?) I'm going to ride out good vibes, if you're not expecting anything, then there is no way to be disappointed...and life therefore, is good...always. (That's

a metaphor for life up there, dude surfing...ponder that hombre.)
I suppose this will be a life-long effort, for as I sit here, I find myself very excited for the Limbeck show I am going to this evening. Limbeck...a wonderful band from Orange, California. I've been listening to them since high school, and seen them countless times, and they never disappoint. They're playing The Middles East Upstairs, and I'm bringing some friends who have never heard them before. I am thoroughly jealous of their ability to experience Limbeck for the first time, for we all know that everything from music to love to burritos, are

experienced best the first time around. (That's Limbeck there...cute right?)
Hopefully this weekend will yield even a fraction of the good times of last, but I have no expectations, so no doubt good times will be had. Life is rapidly approaching, real jobs, real apartments...luckily I'm not expected to learn how to tie a tie anytime soon - enjoy life...
Current Song -- Julia -- Limbeck
1 comment:
woo hoo two posts in one week! and, i like that you've invited a dialog, so much so that i realized i should at least say 'hi' to let you know i'm reading... ;-)
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