Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't Stop Believeing, Cruiserweight

I'm perched in my thinking chair, a rarity at this hour on Tuesday nights, as I await a 6:20am wake up call oh so soon. New comic day is upon us, and with the JSA special, Uncanny X-Men and Final Crisis tie-in on deck, its gonna be a doozy! But tonight is the night an ol' fav, Cruiserweight, graced the stage of TT's but three blocks from my house. If you are unfamiliar with this Austin, TX outfit, imagine the Charlie Chaplain of front-ladies...sans mustache but mega pantomime and oodles of stage persona. I can't help but laugh as her hand motions and facial expressions tell as much of the story as her lyrics do. Stella is backed by her two brothers, Ernie and Yogi, their friend Dave rounds out the band. They're a toe-tappin crew who remind me how the simplest of metaphors and peppiest of beats put together in a clean, unique and distinct style bring the best out of a November night. And I'm not the only one...the audience is sprinkled with the Cambridge vets out to enjoy a good set mid-week and under 21 fan-girls sporting the newest alt-rock uniform of colored tights, cowboy boots and funky tops inspired by Jenny Lewis, Zooey Deschanel and the like. Few things warm your heart like a good band on a cold night after a long day in retail. Its the little things that remind you why you've moved to Central Sq.

The night was capped with a dance contest to one of their old hits and a cover of Journey bringing beers in the air every dreamer to their knees...don't stop believing Cruiserweight, you're all right in my book. --d


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