These days, most scoop nights yield a bit of work, a lot of reading, and a good amount of people-watching from behind the counter and atop a makeshift stool...two milk crates to be exact.
But tonight was different. Tonight, time went by with little thought of when time would go by, and before I knew it, time had gone by. It started with a staff meeting, nothing crazy, just a chance for there to be more than one person in the shop at a time, a rare chance these days. I missed most of the meeting as I was "working" as well, thus preparing the few milkshakes that came my way and missing the musings of my managers reminding us to get back to basics and wear close-toed shoes. I'm sure there was more, but like I said...milkshakes.
Some of my mid-meeting visitors were not ice cream seekers at all, but two communications students from Simmons. Their purpose for coming, if not for ice cream, was to track down willing subjects for a project for a film editing class. They were interviewing folks on

As it would not be appropriate for me to miss out on the dress code review and the upcoming B&J's Facebook promotions updates, I promptly asked them to return post-meeting.
They did, and somewhere out there (well I can probably narrow it down to the Simmons dorms) is me babbling on about rocksteady, The Clash, Belle and Sebastian, and my first concert (other than a handful of Christian hardcore and ska shows in middle school, my first major show was Rusted Root at a small club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2001).
A quiet man with minimal distinguishing features came by and ordered a one scoop of chocolate fudge brownie. After procuring and enjoying his purchase, he approached the counter and inquired as to the players we had been enjoying. My tunes of choice this evening focused on Cake and their records Comfort Eagle, Prolonging the Magic and Pressure Chief.
Again, music was the topic of choice, and I couldn't help but muse over my coming weekend, which will include an evening of full of good tunes. This Saturday I'm having a

Each person will be bringing a bottle of choice craft beer and a short mix tape (5-7 tracks) to share with the group. Compiling my selection has been a daunting task filled with light bulb memories of songs long forgotten and the mental thumbing through of my iTunes in search of the perfect musical conversation topic.
The evening winded down with a snowy walk home, the Harvard to Central Sq. trek filled with larger than life flakes, a single worn path along Mass Ave, and a well kept eye out for a new record store opening up on the edge of Central. Weirdo Records is an online shop-turned-store that opens its doors on Friday the 6th. A perfect pre-listening party destination.
As I write this I've been listening to The Cardigans and their record, Life. Recorded in 1996, I was eleven, and I believe my first CD was given to me at Christmas, The Space Jam soundtrack. R. Kelly and I have come a long way. Returning to my past has produced unforeseeable treasures. cheers --d
You get my 5 tracks?
Rusted Root! Love it! I wish they were my first concert. Nope, it was New Kids on the Block. ;)
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