Last night I told myself I was going to blog about Elvis Costello...and I think that sentiment sums up what I've been up to for the past 19 days.
I went to Iowa City, Iowa back on March 6th for my sister's dance performance. She is a ballet/education double major and is now part of the dance company at school. She even spent Spring Break in Mexico City, traveling the show with the company. The experience of being an older sibling, going to my younger sibling's event put everything in perspective in a way that nothing else ever has. Whether it's a performance, graduation, or wedding, watching a younger sibling in her own environment, a place that I have nothing to do with, did a lot to show me what I left behind when I came to Boston. Before she went school, I could accurately picture my sister's life while I was away at school. Going to the same school, hanging out in the same surrounding towns, and at least for the first couple of years, living in the same house.
But now she has her own life, her own setting, a place that I've barely seen, let alone experience. When I was younger, I liked to think that the world stopped when I went to sleep. When I broke up with my girlfriend sophomore year of high school, if just made sense that she would cease to exist...Imagine my surprise when I bumped into her at Barnes & Noble five years later, over winter break.

I've often thought of an idea or a conviction, but kept my conclusions reserved until the idea has been tested. This trip was that test for my thoughts on the lives people lead after I've left them. Yes, egocentric, I know. But lets get honest, how else do I relate to the world? "The reality of the cup is that it is there, and it is not me." --Sartre. I'm just getting gritty.
The company of my turntable last night, was yet another test of conviction, though far more deliberate...
Elvis Costello is one of those artists that's easy to love, and en vogue with his recent collaboration with Jenny Lewis. My admiration/slight addiction with the Rilo Kiley front lady has spilled over onto Costello, though I've enjoyed The Beat ever since I saw Fast Times at Ridgemont high in 1995. I have a couple of his records, and was excited to pick up Momofuku, his newest effort, released in 2008, and featuring Ms. Lewis as premier backup vocalist.
And so yesterday, I put my Elvis Costello fanhood to the test, playing three records...nonstop, until all the Elvis I had pla

My conclusion for the bulk of March, 2009...check in with those you left at home, they've probably become extraordinary, or at least, pretty cool people since the last time you hung out with them. And listen to Elvis Costello/Jenny Lewis. Cheers --d
Drew, I found you. I've been exercising mental telepathy in hopes of getting in contact with you (or perhaps just dialing your phone number). I googled Siamo nella stessa barca and your new blog appeared. My favorite italian phrase is Ci vediamo presto (We will see eachother later) because it is one of the few I can say daily. I've been writing in my old blog on livejournal and thinking of crossing over. I'm glad to know you're well and I am going to cyber catch up with you through your writings. Ciao Amico, mi manchi!
I've misinterpreted my favorite italian phrase. "We will see eachother soon" Doppo is later. Presto, soon. We will see each other soon. Ciao.
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