After a rockin Open House on Sat (1200 people!!!) where I was able to talk the crowed at the info session and escort the creative types to the fine arts school, I had a spell on the couch, and enjoyed a relaxing night catching up with friends over North End pizza (Ernesto's, the only place for a decent slice) and beverages.
Sunday was filled with visions of Vietnam and chinese food...I spent the day working on my research paper for American Cinema, which focused on Vietnam Films. After watching Apocalypse Now, Platoon and Full Metal Jacket, I rocked a ten page analysis on the genre of Vietnam War films.
In the mists of that (which was successufly completed at 2:30am this morning!) I supplied my floors with a Pot Luck Thanksgiving Dinner...complete with over a hundered dollars worth of chinese food! (Hsin Hsin, the only place for a decent ragoon) After dinner, we transformed the lounge into a haven for Mario Kart 64 racers. 20 contestants were narrowed down to 9, of which the top four competed in the finals. You will be happy to know that after a narrow win in the Wild Card race, your's truly took the championship race, claiming the title! This was a step above my second place last year, fists were raised and pride was seccured. Two programs, chillin with over 50 people, can't beat it for a Sunday night.

It was a relaxing day in the Res Life office yesterday, but the highlight of Monday was definatly my screening of Full Metal Jacket. I've seen my share of Kubrick films, but never this one, and I was not suprised in my utter enjoyment of this film. Kubrick's ability to present his subjects in a surreal environment, where everything seems natural, and even the most extreme events somehow find their place, puts this Vietnam focused film above the rest.
After class this evening, I will be celebrating the long weekend with some philosophical banter spiced with pop culture interludes and sprinkled with a wide aray of musical analysis (Revival Ska and 80's hair metal have the topics of conversation as of late) while frequenting The Public House of Brighton. Cheers...to the sublime and the beautiful -- enjoy life...
Current Song -- Well Respeted Man -- The Kinks
1 comment:
congrats on your victory, my friend! you know i'm proud. : )
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