It was an exciting Halloween weekend, filled with tricks and treats...I settled on the Wolverine costume in case anyone was wondering, and I kept my eye out for a worthy Super Villian all night, but it seems they we are all much too fearfull to make their presence known.
The Student to Student Info Session went off without a hitch. We had around 125 prospective students and parents on campus, we battled some early morning rain, but it turned into a nice fall day by mid-afternoon.

There was the obvious excitment of the Red Sox Penant victory on Sunday. I was on duty, but it was still good times, and the parade strolled right through campus yesterday! I had a nice view from the library window. It has always interested me how the city has embraced the Dropkick Murphys as The Red Sox Band for occasions such as this. Don't get me wrong, it's great, most places in the country don't embrace the local music genres until they've become "classics" and Dropkick deserve

One of the best part of my RA job is planning programming for the building. I'm cookin up the second anual Mario Kart 64 tournament as we speak, and yesterday we executed an event for over thirty neighborhood kids to come and trick-or-treat in the dorm. There were over 90 residents participating in having their rooms available forthe kids to come and get candy. And one of the quads even turned their whole corner into a haunted cave, strobe lights, Exorsist music, black trashbags and fake blood...there isn't much more I have to say about that.
Now...I hope there is some Midwestern representation in my reader pool

I understand that Chipotle is big on the West Coast as well, but it's a darn near institution in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and they have just opened one in Davis Sq.!!!!!!
My buddy and I made the Red Line treck to Somerville and stuffed out costumed faces with tasty tasty burritos. If you have never enjoyed a Chipotle burrito, do your self a favor and find the nearest branch and proceed to order a steak burrito with pinto beans, hot salsa, sour cream, guac, cheese and just a touch of will not be disapointed.
While I'm on the subject, also check out Burritos on Fire in Allston, to put it simply, a mom and pop burrito heaven.
On my way back from Davis Sq. I got off the T a stop early to make my way through Beacon Hill, so I could see all the kids trick-or-treating! Kids and Halloween may be one of the greatest things ever. The best cosutmes were defiantly the alligator, Supergirl, a two year old Elmo and father-son team of Draculas. As I passed the State House, I came by a slue of tractor-trailors and movie equipemnt. They were shooting Pink Panther 2 in and around the State House! Ever sense Fever Pitch, there have been so many movies filmed in Boston, and around Suffolk specifically.
The set of Matt Damon's character's apartment in The Depareted was built ontop of our law school. And the sequal to The Bachelor was filled inside the law building. Now we've got the Pink Panther 2, who knows whats next!
On that note, it is back to GRE studying, as my second attempt is scheduled for Monday! Purhaps the antonyms and analogies will up my vocab and I'll impress you with my stellar diction in next weeks post!
Current Song: Eve of Distruction -- The Turtles
At your suggestion, I just had my very first Chipotle burrito in Denver. It was SO good! (I'm more of a veggie burrito with mild salsa kind of girl though.) Ambassador trip to Davis Square?
Okay so I know I'm about two weeks late with this comment, but I wanted to add to your whole thing about how so many movies are filmed around here. They were also filming the Bachalor #2 in the North End a little while ago. I saw Dane Cook and almost died.
P.S. I second Sara's idea of planning a group trip to Chipotle.
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