It's interesting being a non-sports fan in one of the biggest sporting cities in the country. I do enjoy soccer, and I play my fair share of ultimate, but baseball, football, just never did anything for me. But I'll tell ya, life is all about surrounding yourself with happy people, and with the Red Sox where they are, there are plenty of happy people to be found, which is always good news! (But forget all that, I want to see the return of Malone, Stockton and Horniceck -- The Utah Jazz of the mid 90's my friends...those were classy players on a classy team!) {Stocktin to the left...being classy. espn.go.com}

But enough about the sporting aspect, though I am excited about some billiards going down tonight and this weekend! My dad was in town last week on business and brought me one of the family cues, nothing better then a little pool at the end of a day filled with Eastern Philosophy! {That's Brahman there, the Divine God Head...kinda looks like Stockton doesn't it? vegetomaina.com}
I just finished my Eastern Phil. midterm, which marks the end of my midterm season. (And yet another reason to spend the night at the pool hall!) The excitement is not long lived, as the sad realization that my senior year is a quarter over already, and the real world looms ahead like the worst blind date of my life. She's been sold to me as a wondrous time -- and I know all about her interests and hobbies -- but no matter what, I'm still going into it blind! Well, at least I can pick the restaurant and eat well!
But enough Senior Stress, this is Senior Strutts, and boy have I been Struttin this week! Sunday, I was able to attend my very first comic book convention! Fifteen mi

The rest of the week and the beginning of next look quite promising...
We have Halloween coming up - which is always a rockin time. I"m torn between two costumes this year. It's between the Canucklehead X-Man, Wolverine, and the pill tossing MD, Dr. Mario from Super Smash Bros. -- any thoughts?

(wolvie - andrew.cmu.edu and doc mario - content.answers.com)
We've got our Student to Student Info Session on Saturday, which I am very much looking forward to! These are my favorite events, because my fellow ambassadors and I get to do all the talking. I figure if I'm going to be there at 10am on Saturday morning, I might as well do something!
An interesting event that's going on next week is a concert in our C. Walsh theater. But not just any concert, but a Sitar concert! I've never seen Sitar live before, and after seeing The Darjeeling Limited two weeks ago, and loving Ravi Shankar for a long time, needless to say, I am looking forward to Tuesday evening very much!
That reminds me...go see Wes Anderson's new film, The Darjeeling Limited. You will love, it will make you happy and put smiles and your faces...trust me - enjoy life...
Current Song - Play With Fire - The Rolling Stones
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